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Health security

According to article L.4121-1 of the Labor Code, the employer must take “the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of the workers”. The Medisur method makes it possible to understand and control professional risks thanks to its targeted training, addictions At occupational road risk including workplace safety. They are to be completed by workshops participatory or screenings as well as individual health boxes. 

The modules health security

module formation drogues et alcool QUALIOPI
Drugs and alcohol training

Train managers in the management protocol for so-called hypersensitive positions, drugs and alcohol

image carte module sensibilisation collaborateurs_equipes
Drug and alcohol awareness

Raise employee awareness of work addictions and adopt the right prevention actions

formation risques routiers professionnels QUALIOPI
Professional road risk training

Train teams in the prevention of professional road risks to improve road safety

image carte module sommeil et travail de nuit
Night work and sleep

Understand sleep disorders, accidents in staggered hours or night work

module addictions
addiction counseling

Analysis and advice to define a global approach to addiction prevention

image carte module risque solaire
Sun risk at work

Raising the awareness of employees exposed to UV radiation and prevention measures

image carte module mobilité douce
Road prevention for soft mobility

Safety and accident risk prevention in EPDM

The workshops health security

module risques routiers professionnels (1)
Alcohol and drugs while driving
Participatory workshop

Discover the effects of consuming psychoactive substances

module atelier depistage (2)
Psychotropic screening


Screening of employees on the use of psychoactive substances

Module quiz code

participatory workshop

Go back to the basics of Traffic Laws and its new regulations

Module Jeu des subtsances
Substance play

participatory workshop

Discover the effects and action times of psychoactive substances through play

atelier malaises et gestes qui sauvent
Discomforts and actions that save
Participatory workshop

Know the gestures that save in case of discomfort

Module horaires atypiques
Atypical hours
participatory workshop

Learn to preserve your health by atypical hours

image carte module ma peau et le soleil
Zoom on my skin

Screening for skin performed by a healthcare professional

The boxes health security
box (1)
My skin & me health box

Health box containing a vitamin D self-test and an interactive e-guide

box (1)
Road safety box

Health box containing a multi-drug self-test, a breathalyzer, an SOS memo and an interactive e-guide

Already more than 300 organizations trust us to their health & safety .
Health calendar: key dates

The essential tool for highlights not to be missed, to take care of your employees all year round.

Medisur themes
Our health prevention modules do not stop there! Interconnected, other health themes will interest you:
A unique experience
The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, practice and dialogue with health experts.

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