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Groupama Gan Vie: Pink October a cause close to our hearts

Séverine Giner
HR project manager
Chief Happiness Officer


Sites in France




Average employee rating

Can we talk about your activity and your commitments HRQoL?

I am HR Project Manager & Chief Happiness Officer within the company Groupama Gan Vie (GGVie).

I occupy a multidisciplinary position, the main objective of which is to promote the well-being of employees: from the organization of activities, teambuilding events, to the implementation of systems to guarantee a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. 

I am lucky to be in a company where the acronyms QVCT and CSR are not “showing”. At GGVie, we are in the business! We have a CSR department, attached to General Management. And for several months, a “Support and Prevention” center devoted entirely to “Quality of life and working conditions”.

Being committed to a QVCT approach means placing the quality of life at work at the heart of our company's concerns [...]

What were the challenges linked to this preventive action?

Our Pink October by GGVie prevention action is motivated by the alarming context of statistics linked to breast cancer, which remains one of the main causes of death among women around the world. In response to this worrying reality, Pink October has become a month dedicated to awareness and prevention of this disease, mobilizing Society as a whole to promote prevention, early detection and medical research. […]

This initiative aims to encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles and promote a culture of solidarity and support towards people affected by this disease.


Sole personal insurance subsidiary of the Groupama Group,  Groupama Gan Vie -GGVie designs, underwrites and manages life and health insurance contracts (savings, retirement, protection and health) marketed by the Group's five distribution networks - Groupama Regional Banks, Gan Assurances, Gan Patrimoine, Gan Prévoyance and Gan Eurocourtage.

Sector: insurance

Number of employees : 2000

Seat : Paris, France

Website :

Offer : Conference, workshops and health box » October Rose & moi »

What actions have been implemented with Medisur?
  • A conference for:
    • Spot the signs of breast cancer and understanding the risk factors to avoid led by Jessica Hadj-said, Doctor of Biology from Médisur. to learn yourself to discover your body and act better in the event of suspicion
  • Prevention and awareness workshops for:
    • Learn the gestures of self-palpation, a simple and fun way to learn yourself to discover your body and act better in case of suspicion 
  • A “Pink October” health box containing:
    • a self-palpation pad to learn how to test yourself in complete autonomy
    • A interactive e-guide to deepen your knowledge and learn at your own pace 
What were the profits for employees?

The “Pink October” awareness month was a great experience, very enriching and meaningful for our employees. Medisur's commitment to breast cancer prevention is exemplary. We were able to offer prevention boxes, share essential information and tools to encourage self-monitoring and early detection of breast cancer. The on-site awareness workshops helped inform our employees about risk factors, chest self-palpation methods and available screening options. 

In addition, the webinar provided valuable information on the prevention, screening and treatment of breast cancer, thus helping to strengthen collective awareness and encourage each employee to take action against this disease. This collaboration truly demonstrated the positive and lasting impact that can be achieved when partners share a common vision of health and well-being.
Our employees appreciated this awareness month and the actions proposed. 

Thanks to Medisur, GGVie has innovated and taken its prevention approach even further by offering a “Health Box” to the women of the company.
This prevention kit encourages practicing breast self-palpation independently with an early detection device. A symbolic gesture to remind everyone of the importance of taking care of their health!

The final word for those who are still hesitant to engage in HRQoL?

In my opinion, QVCT represents an essential pillar of a company. […] It is essential to give ourselves the means to create a harmonious professional environment where employees feel valued, listened to, supported, accompanied and fulfilled.
By investing in QVCT, companies can improve the motivation and productivity of their employees, reduce absenteeism and retain their talents.

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