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May 2023 Health Meetings

The month of May is a month quite full of health appointments not to be missed. Our 2023 health agenda is still available for download on the Medisur website. Anyway, the month of May deserved a recap on its own. So we have gathered all the national and international health and well-being prevention dates for the month of May 2023. Ready!?

May 2023: skin cancer prevention month

The association Skin Cancer Foundation organizes a skin cancer awareness and prevention campaign every year in May. The association therefore encourages everyone to examine their skin and recognize the signs that should alert. 

May 2, 2023: World Asthma Day

Asthma concerns more than 4 million people in France; moreover, it is the first chronic disease in children. The theme for World Asthma Day 2023 is “Asthma care for all”; the emphasis is thus placed on the need to strengthen access to care for everyone.

May 9, 2023: European Stroke Awareness Day

Every year, the second Tuesday in May is dedicated to stroke awareness day across Europe. At the global level, there is a dedicated day every October 29. Coming back to Europe, it is the association stroke who organizes this awareness day. 

May 12, 2023: World Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Malaria Day

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a very clever name to talk about Chronic Fatigue. Like fybromalgia, Chronic Fatigue is an orphan disease, heavy and inexplicable and which can invalidate the people who suffer from it. 

May 16, 2023: World Celiac Day

Celiac disease is better known as gluten intolerance. May 16 is the official international date; May 16 celebrating Saint Honoré, patron saint of bakers. At any rate, the media Because Gus is now organizing Operation Celiac Disease Days from May 15 to 17. One day was not enough to raise awareness about an increasingly common disease!

May 17, 2023: World Hypertension Day

More than one billion people worldwide have hypertension. Predictions are not going any better: in fact, 1.5 billion people will be affected by 2025. Many are unaware of themselves or are not followed, in France as well. 

May 19, 2023: World IBD Day

IBD are chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. They include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

May 22-26, 2023: Road Safety at Work Days

This national movement orchestrated by the government emphasizes company initiatives in favor of road safety. Road accidents remain the leading cause of death in the workplace and are equivalent to 4 million lost working days. Raising awareness is done by videoconference or during company workshops. 

Create a week of road safety at work in your company with Medisur.

May 25, 2023: World Thyroid Day

The thyroid is the hormone-producing gland that can undergo disturbances. May 25, 2023 is an opportunity to open the floor on these disruptions that we can suffer.

May 28, 2023: International Day of Action for Women's Health

If we know well the day of March 8 which honors women's rights, the date of May 28 is less famous. However, it deals with the inequalities that women encounter in relation to access to care and health diagnoses. It is therefore no less important!

May 30, 2023: World Multiple Sclerosis Day

Every year on May 30, it is customary to share your life stories with MS (multiple sclerosis) in order to raise awareness of this disease as many people as possible. 

May 31, 2023: World No Tobacco Day

This year, World No Tobacco Day revolves around tobacco growing: "Let's grow food, not tobacco!" ". The WHO thus denounces the subsidies dedicated to the cultivation of tobacco.